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Steps to Great Headshots


Getting new headshots involves several steps to ensure you get the best possible photos for your needs, whether for professional or personal purposes. Here's a detailed guide to the process:

Headshot Photo Gallery

Define Your Purpose

Determine why you need headshots. The purpose will guide your photos' style, setting, and look. Common purposes include:

  • Professional use (LinkedIn, business websites)
  • Acting or modelling portfolios
  • Personal branding (social media, personal websites)

Research Photographers

Find a photographer who specialises in the type of headshots you need. Consider:


Schedule a consultation with your chosen photographer to discuss:

  • Your goals for the headshots
  • Preferred style (e.g., formal, casual, creative)
  • Wardrobe and makeup suggestions
  • Location options (studio vs. outdoor)

Prepare for the shoot


  • Choose outfits that align with your intended image.
  • Solid colours and simple patterns are usually best.
  • Bring a few different options to the shoot.


  • Get a haircut a week before the shoot to allow it to settle.
  • If you wear makeup, go for a natural look unless otherwise directed.

Day of the Shoot

  • Arrive on time and prepared.
  • Bring any items discussed during the consultation (e.g., additional outfits on hangers and makeup for touch-ups).

During the Shoot

  • Follow the photographer's directions regarding poses and expressions.
  • Relax and be yourself; genuine expressions make the best headshots.

Reviewing and Selecting Photos

After the shoot, the photographer usually provides a proof gallery of images. Steps include:

  • Reviewing proofs to select your favourites
  • Considering a second opinion if you're unsure
  • Discussing any desired retouching with the photographer

Retouching and Final Delivery

The photographer will edit the selected images. Retouching might include:

  • Smoothing skin
  • Adjusting lighting
  • Correcting minor imperfections

You will then receive the final high-resolution images, typically in digital format, ready for use.

Utilising Your Headshots

Once you have your new headshots:

  • Update your professional profiles (LinkedIn, company website)
  • Add them to your acting or modeling portfolio
  • Use them for personal branding on social media and websites

Additional Tips

  • Maintain a positive and confident attitude throughout the process.
  • Communicate clearly with your photographer about your expectations and needs.
  • Regularly update your headshots to reflect any significant changes in your appearance.

By following these steps, you can ensure a smooth process and achieve headshots that effectively represent you and your brand.


© 2005 -2024 Bridget Corke Photography

Blairgowrie, 2194, SOUTH AFRICA

International Master's in portrait photography from The Portrait Masters, one of only two in Africa. +27828814044